A complete Part time job portal in Japan
Japan is a developing country of Asia and many people visit Japan each year to find good jobs and learn Japanese and English which will benefit them in long run. People from neighboring countries also come to Japan to find a job or study. As there are many people in Japan who are looking for the part-time jobs, there was a constant need of Part time job portal in Japan. As many people are looking for the part time jobs, we are extracting good jobs for the people of Japan.
A good job that pays well:
There are many agencies who are locating people for the part-time jobs but these agencies are highly charging from the works. That is why people left with very low wages but we don’t charge a penny from anyone. Our main motive is to extract the high wages jobs for the people. Japan part time jobs salary must not be low so that they can enjoy working. Since we don’t charge and we have high salary jobs it’s a win-win situation for the people to use our website.
Part time jobs for international students:
A good number of students are working and studying in Japan that is why most students are looking for the part time jobs. The focus on the international students who came here to learn the language or taking any other courses, therefore we try to list down those jobs which are student friendly and have less working hours and good salary too. We keep in mind the requirements of the job seekers who are looking for part time jobs in Japan for international students that’s why we list down easy jobs for them.
Non-Japanese Speakers:
There are a number of people who have a work permit of Japan and searching jobs in Tokyo for non-Japanese speakers that are why we try to list down those jobs which require less or no Japanese language skills to work. Simple jobs of sorting, packing, tagging and labeling required no Japanese skills and those who don’t have good knowledge of Japanese can also apply for these jobs.
English Speakers without Degree:
There are many people who are living in Japan and speak English. English is one of the alternative languages of Japanese including Vietnamese and Chinese. Therefore we understand the problem faced by the people who want to search the jobs in a different language and become the first multi-language website which also lists down the jobs in Japan for English speakers without a degree. we are first part time job portal in Japan who publish jobs in English, Vietnamese, a Chinese and Japanese language which makes it easier for all the resident of Japan to find a job according to their language.
Find Suitable job according to your area:
We are focusing on the jobs according to the areas, prefectures, and location. It doesn’t matter where you are living, you can find a job nearby your location by just searching the area and prefecture on our website. We will list down those jobs which are near your location and close to the station as well, therefore you don’t need to spend more money to travel through the company as well as a lot of your energy will be saved in walking as the jobs are near the station.